My name is Rex

I'm a


My name is Rex, I am the founder and CEO of Rex Technology. Founded in the Spring of 2023, I have had the pleasure of not only learning everthing there is to Software Engineering; But also finding the artist value in Web Design and App Development. With in my Portfolio you will find various projects. From basic HTML, CSS , & Js projects; to more advanced examples of data manipulation and Live Websites. Thank you for your time, please try my site as an art gallery and roam where ever you like. I loook forward to working with you in the mere future

Full Stack Developer & Digital Media Strategist

Here are some general facts and info about myself .

  • Birthday: 4 February 1999
  • Website:
  • Phone: redacted
  • City: Taunton, MA, 02780
  • Age: 24
  • Degree: Bachelors of Science
  • Email:
  • Freelance Status: Available

I am actively building my agency globaly. I am currently building a website for Aya Africa ; an African Garmets designer and manufacturer. Details on this Projects are available below. I am open to new oppurtunities, please feel free to leave me a message or set up a consultation on my Calendy.


Previous to this field, I was an Enterprise Systems Engineer for various Company's in the Boston Area. Actively serving my clients as not only a valued asset; but as a welcoming and collaborative team member. I strive to be open, postive, and forward thinking.

Currently, for my portfolio, I am using Bootstrap as the framework for my portfolio. This allows me to efficiently identify and edit elements by class/psuedo class and /or using dot notation where it may apply. Along with utilizing various references for fonts and styling. A huge shout out to Google Fonts, FavIcons, Bootstrap, and other essential Web Design tool providers. Although I have been actively adding equity to my portfolio, these products have made it easier to build a site from start to finish with in days to weeks. I personally styled the site to cator to my audience for a welcoming ambience. Furthmore, I am currently using Github to store all of my source code. My account is linked in my side bar under the GitHub icon. Feel free to break my code and fool with it a little. ( appropriately of course.) I then used Netlify to establish my domain and launch my site into Production. Here's the Link!

Satisfied Clients Fast Growing agency

Projects and counting weekly

Hours Of Support & Consultation Per Day I am a quick responder and relentless problem solver.

Hard Workering Individual with a goal to revolutionize the relationship between customer and leadership


At some point I will have an Anki Card [virtual flash card] for every techinical term there is. But for now, here are my most relevant skills and competencies. Feel free to visit my LinkedIn Profile as well to get a feel for my previous yet relavent work expereience.

HTML 100%
CSS 90%
JavaScript 75%
Git/Github/Docker 75%
Node.JS 80%
WordPress/CMS/Wix 70%
Mongo.DB 40%
React/Express 55%


Ah ... my Eloquent Portfolio to go wit my virtual copy of Eloquent Java Script; the Third Addition. Here are the interactive previews of my current and completed projects . This includes websites that are in currently in Production, and Projects that are sandboxed in test environments. All are safe to browse so please, break something!.

  • All
  • Web
  • Apps
  • Projects


Below you will find a detailed list of my products and services. I focus on both front end and back end development. If you have a unique project or don't see the service you are requesting below, feel free to submit a message in the field below labeled " Contact Rex" All Digital Media that is displayed is owned by Rex Productions; a subsidiary of Rex Technology.

Web Design

Following the Web Standards Model, I am able to generate Web structures and Layouts with HTML, Design and Styling Concepts with CSS, and the User Experience & Interaction with JS.

Mobile App Design

Utilizing industry wide tools such as React, Express, MongoDB, etc. I am able to develop well fabricated, and creative designs for mobile apps or web apps that need to incorporate a reponsiveness consistenly across various devices.

Engineering Consultations & Collaborations

With in my Freelance career, I am granted openings in my schedule at the most oppurtunistic times. I am able to collaborate with small bussinesses and larger enterprise to help aid the design process and build the staging for the Clients Online Pressence.

Digital Marketing

Lastly, since I own mylocal repositry of digital media & assets, I can provide images videos and other neccesary digital content so you don't have to. If you prefer you use your own Media, that is always reccommend. However, if you haven't started generating your Digital assets, don't worry I have you covered!


Here are a few statements, feedback and testimonials from our clients!

"Rex is an excellent collaborator. He is currently building our landing Page for Aya Africa, and it is coming out great. I can't wait to see the final product"

Julius Aduayi

Ceo & Founder of Aya Africa

"It was a bitter sweet transition when Rex departed from our Company. He was a great mentor for student interns and staff globally. From Boston to Tokyo, we will miss you from across all corners of the world!"

Anonymous Client from Boston MA

UX/UI Designer/ Director of Global Marketing

" It was a turbulent start at first. As a team, we were in the midst of reorganizing. However Rex was able to hit the ground running. Identifying critical issues, and quickly resolving bottlenecks. Rex would be an excellent canidate as a Software Engineer and Product Manager in the future. Please don't hire him, he's ours !"


Medium Sized Technology Starup


The key to success is thorough communication. Being able to listen carefully and allow clients to be express their creative designs; allows me to better understand the scope of the project and quickly deliever. I enjoying presentations, consultations and impromptu questions or panels. Being able to recieve a wide variety of ideas allows me to not only execute efficiently, but it helps others learn in the process. So please, feel welcome to fill out our public form. Whether its a question , comment or you just need to express your ideas to someone knowledgable. I would love to hear from you in the future! Take care ! ~ Rex


Bristol County, Massachusetts, USA



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